Category: Stiri iT

Digitalogy Stiri IT | Blog hardware, software, evenimente IT

iOS 9: 50 tips and tricks

iOS 9: 50 tips and tricks

After eight years of upgrades and interactions, we’ve come to expect certain things with iOS updates. Each time around, Apple offers a few new apps, a couple marquee features, some fresh wallpaper, and a host of minor speed and usability improvements that give users plenty of reasons to seek out the upgrade button. Apple’s ridiculously […]


How to setup the LG Watch Urbane on an iPhone

How to setup the LG Watch Urbane on an iPhone

We never thought this day would come, but here it is! The Apple Watch is no longer the only high-end smartwatch that works with the iPhone: Android Wearis now compatible with iOS handsets, though there are a few catches. You can only use three Android Wear watches with your iPhone, and the LG Watch Urbane […]


Iphone 6S vs Iphone 6

Iphone 6S vs Iphone 6

Iphone 6S: iPhone 6S nu se indoaie usor, este 2 ori mai rezistent ca iPhone 6 In baza destului facut in clip, carcasa iPhone 6 se indoie daca o presiune de 13 KG este aplicata asupra sa, asta in timp ce carcasa iPhone 6S rezista unei presiuni de aproximativ 36 de KG, deci de aproape […]


Site-uri romanesti de torrente inchise

Site-uri romanesti de torrente inchise

Autoritatile romane, in colaborare cu FBI, au inchis trei site-uri autohtone de torrent-e:, si un al treilea inca neidentificat. Acestea au fost sub investigatie de aproximativ patru ani, au fost pana la urma acuzate de evaziune fiscala. Practic s-a lucrat dupa litera articolului 249 din codul penal (eschivarea de la achitarea plătilor vamale), […]
